
Ana Simões
Ana Simões is full professor of history of science at the University of Lisbon, and member of the CIUHCT. She is also the Vice-President of the European Society for the History of Science (2020-22), following serving as President (2018-2020).
She has written extensively on the history of quantum chemistry, and aspects of history of science in Portugal, 18th to 20th centuries, including popularisation of science and science and the city, framed by a historiographical reflection on the circulation of science including non-central places. She is a founding member of the international network Science and Technology in the European Periphery. She is member of several national and EU projects, editorial boards, scientific advisory boards and scientific societies.

Luís Carolino
Luís Miguel Carolino is an Associate Professor at the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal, where he is also a researcher affiliated with CIES. He was Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (2019) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007).
His main research interests concern History of Science, History of Learned Institutions, Early Modern Natural Philosophy, Cosmology and Astronomy, Science Teaching and the Making of Modern State and Public Dimension of Science in the 19th and 20th centuries, areas in which he has published extensively. Carolino is member of the International Commission of the History of Universities.

Maria Paula Diogo*
Maria Paula Diogo is Full Professor of History of Technology and Engineering at the NOVA School of Sciences and Technology and member of the CIUHCT.
Having pioneered the field of History of Technology in Portugal, her research focuses on the History of Engineering in Portugal and former colonies, particularly concerning circulation and appropriation of knowledge, networks, centres, and peripheries and, more recently, the concept of Anthropocene. She has published extensively on these topics. As co-author of one of the books of the Making Europe book series (Europeans Globalizing) she was awarded the Freeman Prize by EASST. In 2020 she was awarded the Leonardo da Vinci Medal, the highest recognition of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT).
* Currently not a member of E3GLOBAL due to being nominated for the directive board of FCT.IP.
Research Team

Ana Matilde Sousa
Ana Matilde Sousa is an artist and academic from Lisbon. She holds a PhD in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon, where she is a Junior Researcher and teaches several courses. She is a member of CIEBA – Artistic Studies Research Center.
Her research focuses on contemporary Japanese art and pop culture, and she presents and publishes articles on these subjects in classrooms, peer-reviewed journals, and conferences; she has also contributed texts to books published by Routledge and the University of Minnesota Press. Starting in 2012, she began publishing her comics under the pseudonym Hetamoé. Since then, her work has been showcased by alternative comic publishers and other forums in Portugal and internationally. Recently, she has begun exploring themes related to history, science and technology, and the Anthropocene, such as in the graphic novel Einstein, Eddington and the Eclipse.

António Videira
António Videira holds a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1986) and a PhD in Philosophy – Université de Paris VII – Universitée Denis Diderot (1992). He is full professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, as well as professor at the Teaching and History of Mathematics Program (UFRJ), guest professor at the Institute of Biophysics (UFRJ) and collaborator researcher at CBPF. He was a researcher at the National Observatory from 1994 to 1999.
He works in the following areas: philosophy of nature, philosophy of science, history of physics and astronomy and scientific biographies. He is Editor-in-Chief of the electronic journal Em Construção: archives of historical epistemology and science studies.

Cristina Luís
Cristina Luís, PhD in Biology, is an assistant researcher at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon and member of CIUHCT.
Conducts research in science communication, citizen science, history of science and history of horse domestication and is a lecturer in science communication. Has been involved in numerous projects and initiatives of public engagement with science, including the co-curatorship of several exhibitions. More recently has been involved and coordinated many citizen science projects and initiatives. Is a founding member of the Portuguese Citizen Science Network and coordinates a research project on the history of citizen science in Portugal. She has been part of various EU funded and national projects and an evaluator for several international funding agencies. Her publication record includes numerous research and science dissemination materials. She is the Chief-Editor of HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology.

Duarte Pape
Duarte Pape is an Architect who graduated at the Instituto Superior Técnico. He is the founder of the architecture studio Paralelo Zero, whose practice is centred around projects and research on the Portuguese colonial heritage in São Tomé and Príncipe, along the equator line.
He is the author of several publications and talks dedicated to these themes, some examples are As Roças de São Tomé e Príncipe, São Tomé e Príncipe, Cidades, Território e Arquitecturas, BIJAGÓS: Património Arquitetónico. Ao longos dos anos, tem desenvolvido projectos de arquitectura de diversas escalas e programas, desde recuperação e reabilitação até construção de raiz.

Hugo Soares
Hugo Soares is post-doc researcher at E3GLOBAL and a member of the CIUHCT, he has a background in the Natural Sciences, has a Master in Education Sciences and received his PhD in History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology in 2020. Member of the Scientific Board of the European Society for the History of Science (2022-2026).
His main research interests are science policies and the development of the Portuguese scientific system during the democratic period, history of astronomy, the visual and material culture of science and the Anthropocene.
Recently he has also been interested in the interface between film and science, being involved in royal_cine, a project of social intervention through film. Currently taking a post graduate course on Visual Studies.

Ismael Tereno
Ismael Tereno studied Physics at the University of Lisbon and holds a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Lisbon and the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris. He is a researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Lisbon.
His research focus on gravitational lensing as a means to test gravity, dark matter distribution and dark energy properties on cosmological scales. He has published extensively on cosmological models testing, parameters estimation and related topics of observational cosmology. He is a “builder” member of the European Space Agency’s Euclid mission for exploration of the dark universe, where he leads the Survey Operations Team. As one of the developers of the Euclid survey, Ismael was one of the recipients of the 2020 STAR prize awarded by the Euclid Consortium.

Joana Latas
Joana Latas has a PhD in History of Sciences and Scientific Education at University of Coimbra, a MSc in Educational Sciences: Supervision and a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Évora. She is an integrated member of CIEP-UE – Centre for Research in Education and Psychology.
Joana has extensive experience in Mathematics teaching in Portugal, Guiné-Bissau and São Tomé and Príncipe in elementary, high and higher levels. In the last couple of years she has deepened experience in design and coordination of Education and Outreach projects as a member of NUCLIO – Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovação em Educação. Recently she coordinated Eddington@Sundy: 100 years later, a project which celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the 1919 total solar eclipse at an international scale but also had the goal of being the cornerstone to create a historic and scientific legacy on the island of Príncipe, one of the two sites where eclipse observations took place.

Luis Tirapicos
Luís Tirapicos studied astronomy in the University of Porto and History and Philosophy of Science in the University of Lisbon. He is currently a researcher at the CIUHCT, and in the History and Philosophy of Science Department at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
His main interests are the history of astronomy in Portugal and Spain, Jesuit science, Iberian archaeoastronomy and the material culture of science. He was a research intern in the History of Science and Technology at the Royal Observatory – National Maritime Museum, Greenwich and a Resident Fellow of the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City. As one of the authors of the Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Luís was one of the recipients of the 2017 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for Historical Astronomy, awarded by the American Astronomical Society.

Luis Crispino
Bachelor’s degree (1992) in Physics from the University of São Paulo (USP), master’s (1997) and doctorate (2001) in Physics from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at São Paulo State University (UNESP).
Full Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Physics (PPGF) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and a Member of the Council of the Brazilian Physics Society (SBF). His research focuses on the field of Physics, with an emphasis on the General Theory of Particles and Fields, mainly working on the following topics: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes, Black Holes and Analogs, and Radiation Emission by Accelerated Charges. He also works in the fields of Science Communication and the History of Science and Technology in the Amazon.

Paulo Crawford
Paulo Crawford é físico teórico, professor aposentado da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e investigador do Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço. O seu interesse foi sempre a teoria da Relatividade e Cosmologia, tanto ao nível da investigação como do ensino, e a divulgação da obra de Einstein. Estes temas foram discutidos nas aulas na FCUL e em inúmeras palestras e cursos que proferiu em diversas instituições e locais, com especial destaque para o Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa.

Samuel Gessner
Samuel Gessner is an assistant researcher at the CIUHCT, ULisboa and the book review editor of the journal HoST.
He specializes in the study of the material culture of science. In his current project ‘Cultures of Mathematics’, he focuses on the diverse mathematical cultures in medieval and early modern Europe and how they interacted by studying the role of mathematical instruments as conceived by both theoreticians and practitioners. Alongside textual documents he uses artefacts of material culture, in particular mathematical and astronomical instruments, as primary sources and as the starting points for research. He recently published Trepidation spheres. His latest book, in co-authorship with Michael Korey, is The wondrous course of the Planets. A heavenly machine for elector August of Saxony: An introduction to Eberhard Baldewein’s planetary clock in Dresden (2022).
Scientific Advisors

Xavier Roqué
Physicist and historian of science, researcher at the Institute for the History of Science and member of the Departament of Philosophy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He lectures in the Schools of Science, Arts and Humanities, and Education, and has been a visiting scholar at the universities of Cambridge and Uppsala.
His research concerns contemporary science, particularly as regards gender, material culture, and politics. He edited, with N. Herran, La física en la dictadura. Físicos, cultura y poder en España, 1939-1975 (2012). He has also translated and edited works by Heinrich Hertz (Las ondas electromagnéticas, 1990), Niels Bohr (L’estructura i la filosofia dels àtoms, 2010), Marie Curie (Escritos biográficos, 2011) and Albert Einstein (La relativitat a l’abast de tothom, 2018). He coordinates the new degree in Science, Technology and Humanities (UAB-UAM-UC3M).

Mathew Stanley
Matthew Stanley teaches and researches the history and philosophy of science. He holds degrees in astronomy, religion, physics, and the history of science and is interested in the connections between science and the wider culture.
He is the author of Einstein’s War, the story of how pacifism and friendship led to a scientific revolution. He has also written Practical Mystic and Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon, which explore the complex relationships between science and religion in history. His current project is a history of scientific predictions of the end of the world. Stanley has also worked with a nationwide National Science Foundation-funded effort to use the humanities to improve science education in the college classroom. He has held fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study, the British Academy, and the Max Planck Institute. He currently runs the New York City History of Science Working Group.
In his spare time, he co-hosts the science podcast What the If? Stanley was awarded the 2019 NYU Distinguished Teaching Award and the 2014-2015 Gallatin Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Alfredo Tolmasquim
Chemical Engineer, with a master’s degree in Production Engineering and a doctorate in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a post-doctorate at the Edelstein Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a full researcher at the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences, where he was head of the Research Department, Information and Documentation Coordinator and Director.
He conducts research into science communication and science museums, the history of science in Brazil and scientific information and documentation.