E3GLOBAL in Edinburgh
Ana Simões was one of the co-organizers of the meeting A Global History of Eclipse Reckoning (A Mathematics for Humanity Workshop), at the ICMS in Edinburgh. The E3GLOBAL team participated in several talks and activities: Ana Simões presented “Towards a global history of the 1919 total solar eclipse”; Hugo Soares, Luís Carolino, Ana Simões and…
Ana Simões and Ana Matilde Sousa’s Travel Impressions
Ana Simões and Ana Matilde Sousa, authors of the graphic novel Einstein, Eddington and the Eclipse – Travel Impressions, one of E3GLOBAL’s outputs, went to the Antena 1 radio program Pranchas e Balões to talk about the recently published 2nd edition. You can listen to the show here (PT only).
ESHS 2024
Ana Simões, Luís Carolino and Hugo Soares presented the paper “The 1919 Total Solar Eclipse – Astronomical Encounters as instances of science diplomacy.”
E3GLOBAL Seminar with João Moreira da Silva – 18 June
The last seminar of the year will feature the guest João Moreira da Silva, who will talk about the colonisation of S. Tomé e Príncipe. 18 June, room 8.2.03, 16h. Edit: This seminar is recorded and available here.
E3Global Seminar with José Pedro Monteiro – 20 February
Next week we will discuss forced labor and racial discrimination in Portuguese colonialism with José Pedro Monteiro. 20 February, room 1.3.14, at 16h. Edit: This seminar is recorded and available here.
5th E3GLOBAL Seminar with Pedro Urbano – 6 February
We are happy to announce our next guest, Pedro Urbano, who will come talk about “Correspondence and XVIII Century Diaries”. 6 February, room 1.3.14 at 16h Edit: This seminar is recorded and available here.
E3GLOBAL Seminar with Marta Macedo – 23 January
Marta Macedo is our next guest on the E3GLOBAL Seminar on the theme “Cocoa at Work – Labor in the Making of Global Chocolate”. 23 January, room 1.3.14 at 16h.
E3GLOBAL Seminar with Daniel Marques – 9 January
The third E3GLOBAL Seminar will take place on 9 January on the theme “Science Diplomacy – A new methodological approach to international cooperation and competition”. Our guest is Daniel Gamito Marques. Edit: This seminar is recorded and available here.
EGLOBAL at the 7th ENHCT
We were at the 7th ENHCT (National Encounter for the History of Science and Technology) in Évora presenting 6 papers:
Ana Simões speaks at the Workshop on Epistemic Transfer in the Humanities
Ana Simões presented the paper “Before and Beyond the 1919 Total Solar Eclipse and the British Expeditions – Instances of travelling knowledge Between Disciplines and Places” at the Workshop on Epistemic Transfer in the Humanities, Society for the History of Humanities.